
The lastest stories and analysis on the Economist job market

Electoral collage: If I want to get elected, which party should I join?

Arthur: The Lady of the Lake, her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur from the bosom of the water, signifying by divine providence that I, Arthur, was to carry Excalibur. THAT is why I am your king! Dennis: (laughingly) Listen: Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government! Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic...

Unsuccessful at interview: The six stages of rejection and recovery

“Tell me, baby: Where did I go wrong?” (Prince, 1990) “Dry your eyes, mate” (Skinner, 2004) “I will survive” (Perren & Fekaris, 1978) Looking for and not getting a job is an emotional experience worthy of the great poets and popular music artistes. It has everything from the thrill of the chase to the infatuation, from the fantasising about a blissful future together to the pain of rejection when the job goes off with someone else....

That’s a surprisingly big number! Descriptive statistics

You’re on the bus. It’s early in the morning and difficult to remember what number comes after one. (Twelfty, isn’t it?). There seem to be some other people on the bus, people with coats, and hair, and bags, and mobile phones. When the early morning coffee starts to kick in, you start counting the colours of the coats and the hair and the bags. “Wow!” you think, “That’s amazing! There are seventeen people on this bus with blonde coats! That’s...

“So, you’re telling me there’s a chance?” Scepticism and scientific literacy

“So, you’re telling me there’s a chance?” said Jim Carrey’s Lloyd Christmas in Dumb and Dumber, delighted at the prospect of one in a million. Lloyd is demonstrating a high degree of statistical and scientific illiteracy. This week, people have been talking about vaccination and whether parents have a right to choose vaccination for their children. The reason everyone is talking about vaccination can be politely referred to as scepticism, that...

The Leadership Debate

”It’s not my job to tell people what to do,” said the deputy leader of a political party, illustrating a distinct approach to leadership. In interviews for senior positions, and even entry-level positions if you’re upwardly mobile, you might well be asked to describe your leadership style. You could give a STAR answer (please read on if you’ve never heard of such a thing), but that could be difficult when your experience extends only as far as...

Careers workshop and networking event with Prof. Andrew Ross, formerly Deputy Director of GES and Head Of Recruitment.

Friday 16 January 2015 18:45 - 20:00 | Birkbeck, U. of London | Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HX Andrew not only led the Government Economic and Social Research Team at HM Treasury for the last decade but also had overall responsibility for the professional development of 3000 analysts. The session will also cover the GES Fast Stream - the GES graduate talent management programme. It is ranked among the top ten Times “Top 100 Graduate...

ECB’s Major Challenge; Preventing Deflation.

Until September, ECB press conferences featured President Mario Draghi state that, “in the medium-term”, the inflation rate across the Eurozone would rise to be at, or close to two percent. This attitude is frustrating as data reveals the CPI had not been recorded at two percent since December 2012 and had been under one percent since September 2013. Latest CPI (Percent): Eurozone 0.4…France 0.5…Germany 0.8…Greece -1.7…Italy 0.1…Spain...

When independence and ideology try to pass in the corridor

What happens when my independent analysis indicates that your independence creates a sub-optimal state of affairs? Depending on how your research is commissioned, results and recommendations could be suppressed if they fail to match a particular doctrine. This is the next chapter in that story: One side proclaims your results are fundamental truth because they happen to match what that side has been saying and doing all along; the other side...

The magical realism of mixed methods

The Big-Endians would have everyone break their boiled egg at the larger end. The Little-Endians would have everyone break their boiled egg at the smaller end. Tweedledum said Tweedledee had spoiled his nice new rattle. There are people whose identity is closely entwined with whether they are a Quant Person or a Qual Person. They will argue long into the night, and long past coherence, that Quant (or Qual) is the one true method and that the...

Life as a Treasury Economist by Kemi Saka

Transformation I currently work for the Public Service Transformation Network, helping public bodies and local councils remodel public services so they are designed efficiently around the needs of local people. I focus on growth by co-designing ways to improve the skills of local people in order to get them working and into higher paying jobs and on creative and innovative ways to use taxpayer assets such as buildings to boost local economic...

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